2021, a collaboration with Parakô Studio
Niton is a poetic contemplation short film on the defrosting of an octopus.
An octopus, emblematic creature of the Bains des Pâquis, wakes up in a lake after having slept frozen for years and finds itself turned upside down by his surroundings. This film explores the links between legends of the Léman, popular culture and the climate crisis. The project was presented during the Bains des Pâquis Advent Calendar in Geneva.
The title Niton is in reference to the stone with the same name which passes from the water in the port of Eaux-Vives in Geneva. This stone represents well the geological history of the lemanic arc. The character of the film is, just like the stone has been present for thousands of years in the Léman and is the witness of the climatic, and human changes of the lake.
Niton, video, 7’43’’, 2021
Niton was shown during the Advent Calendar of the Bains des Pâquis in December 2021.
This vertical format film was designed to be projected on the door of the iconic blue cabins of the of the Bains.