Isotrope is a square format video that shows abstract architectures. The images show a construction reduced to its structure, a non existing place.
Isotropic; having the same physical properties in all directions.
The video is inspired by the "astronaut's postural disorder", when he can no longer differentiate between top and bottom because of the lack of gravity. By reusing this principle, the square video can be seen in any direction, the architectures defying gravity and creating a floating sensation. The soundtrack is composed of modified recordings of materials, such as metal. The confusion here lies in the impossibility of defining a scale and knowing where these structures come from.
These visuals invite the spectator to ask questions about what he is looking at and thus to construct his own narrative, to project himself into a place from what he sees and hears.
video projection, 4’43’’, 2x2m wooden screen, sound
This video was shown in two exhibitions; Anonyme in Forêt 11, Lausanne, 2018 and in Silikat’s Places- audiovisual live act in Smallville, Neuchâtel, 2018
Filmed and edited by Noemi Castella in 2017.
Watch the full video here.